I got tagged by Miss Patriot for the stupidest meme. Hmmmmm....this is gonna take some thinking.
When I was one of those rebellious teens I did so many stupid things. I did the drinking and the experimenting. (None of which I am proud of.) Once I drank about 12 beers in a half hours time and then threw up all over the inside of my boyfriends pride and joy truck.
To be honest I do so many stupid things daily that nothing really sticks out. Oh wait!!!
I was about 16 and was in charge of doing my chores and making my brother and sister lunch. I do the stupidest thing of all. I go to make a can of ravioli and use my thumb to open the lid. It slipped and I ended up in the hospital getting my thumb sewn back together. Yep stupid!
Like I said I do so many stupid things in daily life that nothing much sticks out unless you count putting glass cleaner in the fridge or putting the jelly in the freezer. Uh oh!! I thought of another kinda.
I skipped school and spent the day with friends at the lake. Well first stupid thing was no suncscreen. I hurt for days. But trying to get it past the parents was even stupider. I said that I didn't skip and go to the lake. (I didn't know at the time I looked like a lobster.) I know if I sit here long enough I could probably entertain you for days. Being blonde has it's advantages. You can get away with more before people think your stupid. Bad part? People think you are stupid even if you aren't.
Flannel I will get to your bible study by tomorrow. I promise.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Posted by
12:25 PM
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I laughed 'til I cried when I read this. I have to thank Black Currant Jam for this much needed laugh. Thanks Lora.
Posted by
6:38 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
From Holy Tornado
Holy Tornado had this up so I took it and here are my results.....
"You are the large, round, friendly d20! (You probably didn't know this, but the shape of the twenty-sided die is called an Icosahedron.) You are the friendly, outgoing, outspoken, leader of friends. You are often looked up to, even though you don't normally deserve it. Most other types secretly wish they were you, and you'd give them tips on how, if only you had a clue yourself. Your charisma is often all you need, but you have your occasional moments of brilliance as well--just never when it's actually needed. You are the all-around good guy, a dependable chum, a respectable foe, and an inspiration to those who need one. Who says you can't get by on a smile and good looks alone?"
This is how they describe me. I don't think I am a natural leader. But getting by on a smile and good looks? I can do that.
Posted by
12:36 PM
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Lookie here!
I found this quiz through Black Currant Jam. It seems I am better off in Texas. I can deal with that! :D
American Cities That Best Fit You: |
80% Austin |
65% Denver |
65% Seattle |
55% Atlanta |
55% Honolulu |
Which city best fits you?
Posted by
1:21 PM
Long time....
I apologize for not updating a lot lately. Between allergies, kid's school stuff, and being sick to my stomach for about a week I haven't really felt like doing a long update. There are some changes in my sidebar. You will note some blogs under INFJ's. I don't know them yet but they are supposedly the same personality type that I am. To check out your personality type go to the link that says Type Blogs.
OOOH! I am in the top 5 at Google.Type obedience not sacrifice.I tried to link to it but had issues. I am still learning this blog thing. Hmmmm....interesting. Maybe it will bring more people by. Nobody seems to comment here. Am I really that boring? Just kidding.
Posted by
1:08 PM
Monday, April 18, 2005
Response to "Blogospheric Bible Study #7: Hell"
In response to Blogospheric Bible Study #7: Hell .
I agree with there seems to be no Biblical description of exactly what hell will be. Eternal separation from God would be horrible enough. I think we all have different ideas of what hell would be like. We think of the worst possible things and that is what we imagine as hell. The one thing we can all be sure of is that it is not a pleasant place. Pain, suffering, and all the other nasties. Nope. I make sure daily that I am not going there. Who do you know that is going to hell? We need to share the love of Jesus with everyone (not pushing it on them, but doing it all in love) so that they too may see the joys of heaven and be spared this eternal suffering.
Here is a suggestion for Robbie. We have discussed hell, I say we discuss Heaven next.
Posted by
11:26 AM
A Small Rant
Lately we hear of all of these poor children being abducted, killed, and molested. Where are the leaders of this country? We hear them speak out about other things but why won't they speak out about this very important issue? They need to do more about these awful crimes. The children are defenseless and I have yet to hear any politician speak out about this. UGH!!!! This just makes me mad. I have a few ideas on what to do with people who hurt children but I won't get into that. These criminals need to be afraid of what will happen to them. They need to be afraid. No getting out for good behavior. *sigh* I just needed to get that off of my chest.
Posted by
11:19 AM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
My contribution to this weeks bible study.
In Gen. 3 we see that death is a result of the first sin. In Rom. 5:12-21 it shows that death came through one man (Adam) and life through another (Jesus). Because of Christ we have victory over death. It does not have a hold over us.
What I don't get is why mourn? You know ...why have a sad ceremony if the person is a believer? If the person was a believer shouldn't we be celebrating? I understand we mourn for the loss of the person but shouldn't we also be celebrating their eternal life with the Father? That we have victory over death? The death of a loved one is always sad and there are no words to make it easier. We should take comfort in the Great Comforter. Only He can comfort perfectly. So then what can we as humans do to comfort those mourning? Be supportive of them and pray for them. Let them know your prayers are with them (even if the person wasn't a believer).
Matt. 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 states there is a time for everything. Which seems to be that there is a specific time we'll die. We cannot do anything to hasten it. Did you ever see one of those people who try repeatedly to commit suicide and fail? Why did they fail? It wasn't their time yet. When one dies there has to be some lesson in it for those they leave behind. Even if it is just to live each day to the fullest because you don't know when your time will be.
What have I learned from my loved ones death? My bio dad's suicide...Life isn't easy but trust in the Lord and He will bring you through. Through his death came a chain of events that led me to my God-given parents. They in turn taught me most of what I know about being a christian today. A recent friends death....Live what you believe. He believed in God and country.
Please leave comments on your thoughts.
Posted by
10:15 AM
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Here is more about our friend. I haven't talked to the family since I heard. It didn't really hit until I read the article and then it became real.
I will reply to Flannel's latest bible study soon.
Spring is finally here. And with it allergies. I apologize for not updating lately. It has been kinda hectic. I have been working this body to exhaustion this week. I have been working harder at getting healthy and along came allergies.
Posted by
9:54 AM
Saturday, April 09, 2005
In response to Patty-Jo
I have been interviewed by Patty-Jo.
Here are the rules for the “Five Questions” meme.
1. Leave me a comment saying “interview me”. The first five commenters will be the Participants.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions.
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same Post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.(Write your own or borrow some.)
So here are my answers...
1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
I would say somewhere in the southern U.S. . I dislike the cold of winter but yet I love the colors of fall. So somewhere that gives me the colors of fall without the cold northern winters. Maybe Texas.
2. Who taught you about Jesus?
Well when I was a young gal my grandma took me to church. So I guess I always knew of Him. Not until I got my God-given parents did I really know Him. They were the youth leaders at my church and through them I have learned so much.
3. Rubies and Roses is a beautiful title. How did you think of it?
Red is my favorite color and rubies and roses are my favorite red things.
4. Describe your "perfect" vacation.
I would take my mom and 2 sisters on a Caribbean cruise. Just the 3 of us. Doing stuff like horseback riding, snorkeling, and the whole spa thing. I have already had so many wonderful vacations with my husband (just the 2 of us) and the kids that the "perfect" vacation is one where I am surrounded by family.
5. What makes a "great" marriage?
Once again I look at my parents. They have a wonderful marraige. I would say it takes several things. Unconditional love and support, respect, open communication, and meeting each others emtional and physical needs. These things I am trying to implement into my marraige too. If you do these things I think you can have a great marraige.
Posted by
9:23 AM
Friday, April 01, 2005
A Prayer Request
Please pray for these families. One of the 9 is a friend of the family.
Posted by
6:07 PM