As I was sleeping last night I felt something on my face. That is not unusual since I have long hair and it lands in my face a lot. So I brush it off my face. A few seconds later my husband brushes something off his face. Yet another second or two later I brush same something off my arm. Being a little freaked out I turned on the light. There on the middle of my side of the bed was a Huge, Creepy, Nasty, spider. Hubby killed it but *shudders* I was creeped out. I was so creeped out I had a hard time sleeping. Now every time something touches me ever so lightly I get creeped out thinking it is another spider. Mind you that this is no ordinary spider. Not the kind you see in the house. It is one of those big ones you see in the woods that you run the other way from.
So now I have told all of that I will also tell you a little more about my week. My grandpa died on Wed. night, my mother in law needs a second MRI to determine if the thing they found is a aneurism or not, and I have enjoyed my time spent with the ladies at church. We made apple pies for today's craft/bake sale. I went this morning and bought a couple of those pies and some zucchini bread, a bunch of cookies, and a church cookbook.
So much in one week. Maybe this afternoon I will get a nap.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Huge, creepy, nasty, spider!
Posted by
12:18 PM
It was brought to my attention yesterday that my son has this birth defect. He is almost 8. Why wasn't it noticed when he was younger? It would've helped him in eating when he was an infant. I am quite upset (especially at myself) that it wasn't noticed until now. What is it you ask? It is where that thing that connects our tongues to the bottom of your mouth is too short and the person cannot move their tongue in a normal fashion. It can cause speech issues (which is how I found out through his speech teacher), it can cause difficulty in breastfeeding (he had this), and can cause social issues as well. If it had been caught when he was an infant it would've been an easy procedure and we would have had insurance coverage. Now it needs to be done under general as an outpatient and all without us having insurance. Apparantly they go in and cut this thing and stitch it so that he can freely move his tongue. It is a hereditary birth thing so now I know how he got it. It must have come from my hubby's side. He's adopted. So can you please keep us in your prayers as we figure out how to pay for this and to find a doctor that we can trust. My son isn't worried about it at all.
Posted by
12:09 PM
The latest in the tank
Well last week was a buzz of fish frenzy in our house. Mr. Bubbles is gone and we had to replace him with new fish. Ping and Catgirl are still in there. (Monday)We started out by getting two Serpae tetras (Bella and Bullet) and two tiger barbs. One of the barbs got kinda mean and nasty so he was terminated. So we got a danio golden zebra tetra (Princess) to replace it.(Tuesday) Then the other barb decided he wanted to be nasty and was terminated. So we replaced it with a red-eyed tetra (Arrow). (By now you can tell which ones my boys named and which ones my and my daughter named.) Now Wednesday comes and the kids got out of school at noon. Guess what? At 11:00 Princess dies and I need to take her back to the pet store. They tell me they need a seperate sample of the water in order to either give me a new fish or my money back. So it is now 11:30 and I head back to the store with the water sample. It is high in nitrates so he tells me he will replace Princess but when I get home I need to do a 25% water change. So now I have 15 minutes to do the water change and get to the school to pick up kids. I successfully did this and my daughter is none the wiser. Princess is now fine. Yes it is still Princess because my daughter is clueless. So all is finally well in the tank.
Posted by
11:54 AM
Saturday, September 17, 2005
A sad day...
Today as I went to change Mr. Bubbles' water and I got to take a good look at him. Half of his face was eaten by this fungus thing and he was having problems getting air. So I had to put him to sleep. I cried and cried and cried. To others it may seem silly to cry over a fish. But not to me. Mr. Bubbles was a unique fish. He let me pet his back and he was always excited to see me. If it was anyone else he would swim away. We had him for little over a year. I couldn't help but cry.
Posted by
2:43 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Okay so I am finally getting a life. I went to a women's bible study today. I came out of there so filled and refreshed and felt so much better. So I am excited. I am walking with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. I am getting more involved in the women's ministries by helping out with a few things. I have always had a hard time going out and doing things on my own without a friend or a kid or my husband. This week I did 2 things all on my own. I went to the Jeremy Camp Restored concert and had a blast and I went to the bible study today. I have found out I like doing things by myself. Strangely enough I feel like I can be myself instead of putting up a front.
Posted by
2:09 PM
Friday, September 09, 2005
Short and Sweet
The sweetest thing happened the other day. My middle child came out of his room with an expectant look on his face. We looked at him and asked him what he wanted. He said "You called my name." We said that no we didn't. His next response...."I know! It was God!". I just thought that was the sweetest thing.
Posted by
6:08 PM