Well I cleaned up the mess that was left in my kitchen. I called the emergency maint. number and spoke to the guy on call. He said that there was nothing he could do until Monday. I understood and finished cleaning up. Yesterday morning I decided to do some laundry. Shouldn't cause any problems right? Wrong! I watched the drain start to come up as the washer emptied. So again I call the guy on call (I work with him here so he was a little more patient with me than I would expect him to be with somebody else.) and waited and waited and waited for a return call. Finally he came out yesterday afternoon and snaked the pipe. Come to find out that it was because of my garbage disposal. Somebody is putting stuff through without grinding it up and something slimey is going down it too. I don't put grease down it for fear of the stench so I don't know what the slimey stuff was. It is all fixed now. Mountain Mama was right about the conspiracy among our appliances. So with this in mind I am awaiting the next revolt.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
A whole lotta nothing.
The topic says it all. You cannot say you were not warned. So if you have been having trouble sleeping lately, read on. On the other hand if you are having trouble staying awake you are best to stop reading now.
My daughter has decided to get her ears pierced. So I took her a couple of days ago. The price of getting two small holes put into your ears by some stranger has gone up. Granted the actual piercing is free but when you get to the counter to pay and the bill is $36.00 plus tax it makes you wonder. She is not having trouble sleeping it is the in and out motion when you put the solution on that bothers her. But overall she is extremely happy with the results.
So today I was talking with my boss and a topic I didn't expect to come up did. She said "You're a Christian, right?" . To which I replied " Yes I am.". Her "What church do you go to?". Me "(insert name of my church here)". Her "Do they let you read your Bible there?" This I thought was a strange question but I went on and told her of course. The reasoning behind this question was that she likes to read her Bible and wants to start attending a church that preaches the Bible and lets the congregation read theirs. She is not fond of the preachers that yell which is good. Ours speaks to us on a normal person level with some added humor to keep us interested. So I invited her to our church. What was nice was that she knew I was a Christian without me being pushy or anything like that. She knew just by me being me. That was such a wonderful thing to discover.
Why do I like blogging? This is a question that came to mind today. I think it has something to do with me being able to say whatever I want and not have people criticize me or act weird to me the next time they see me.
Oh my gosh!!!!! As I was sitting here writing this awful smell comes from my kitchen...my drain in the closet backed up completly into my kitchen, goose poop and all! UGH! Why? Now I am angry. I shouldn't type anymore when I am angry. I'll write some more later.
Posted by
5:55 PM
Friday, April 14, 2006
My tank.
This is a picture if the fish tank you all have heard so much about. The red one in front is Bullet, the silver on on the top is Arrowette, the silver one on the bottom is Arrow, the red one hiding is Bella, and Otto was in the plant somewhere.
This picture is of Catgirl our catfish. I was lucky to get a picture of her because she is always in her cave under the rocks.
Posted by
9:08 AM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Balancing Act Part 3
Okay so now the work and home thing is balanced it is time to balance personal life type things. This can become quite tricky. Let's see I have to get just the right balance of mom, wife, Daughter of the King, self, friend, and a few other things. I suppose it is like baking a cake or making a nice dinner. You must get the right kinds of ingredients and the right amounts in order for everything to turn out right. Food analogies...aren't they great?! So much can be compared to food. If any of you have any helpful suggestions on how to balance certain aspects of your life I am more than willing to listen.
Oh! I almost forgot. I am sure you have noticed my links have shrinked dramatically. I would like to visit more people and I was just starting to do that when things change. So...hopefully I will get around to looking at a few more people than I already do and if I like them I will add them here. It's just easier for me to find them if I put them here.
Posted by
4:47 PM
Of colds,allergies and other odds and ends.
So I recovered nicely from that 24 hour flu I had only to get a nasty cold which disappeared in time for those nasty seasonal allergies. Why? Why must I get these nasty allergies every Spring? UGH!
Soon enough the kids will be out for the Summer. I am not prepared for the truth that I will be the mother of a son in Junior High ( a.k.a. Middle School). I am too young, or at least I feel that way, to have a child going into the 6th grade. The years flew by so quickly. I have so much yet to teach him that I fear that if the next 6 school years go by as fast as the last 6, I will not have the time to teach him all he needs to know to go out into the cruel world all by himself. He has a heart for the military. He has since as far back as I can remember. He has known for quite some time that he wants to be a military man. The next 6 years will be crucial in teaching him so many things he will need to know and things he thinks he doesn't need to know. I pray that I will instill in him all he needs to be a God-fearing/loving man.
Posted by
4:31 PM