I know a lot of people celebrate it but in my house we have chosen not to. It happens to be the birthday of one of my son's. That is not the reason we do not celebrate Halloween. As I have explained it to my children...it doesn't celebrate God or love or anything good. Just look at the decorations. Symbols of death and fear. The teachers are always understanding about this and I am thankful for that. I just wish that when we are out somewhere and somebody asks my kids what they are going to be for Halloween and we kindly explain to them we don't celebrate it that people wouldn't look at me as if I were insane or part of some cult. When I was growing up and I lived with my father and step-mother they celebrated Halloween and of course I got dressed up in some silly and some uncomfortable costumes. When I got older (think early teens) and was given by God another set of parents to have guardianship of me, they did not celebrate Halloween. I have chosen to follow in that and pray that my children understand the reasons why we have chosen to not celebrate this day. My family is of course understanding but my husbands family has a harder time understanding it. My mother in law has always insisted that it is not a bad day and that it's roots are in something good. It doesn't matter if that is true or not. I am not going to celebrate a day of fear. I have been freed of fear by the strypes of the Lamb. So every year I have to ask her not to get the chilren Halloween stuff and every year I hear the story of how it started out as a day for saints or something like that. I promise people...I am not insane or in a cult so you can quit looking at me that way. Is it really so rare that people don't celebrate Halloween? I know I have ranted on again but I just wanted to put this out there.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Let Heaven and Earth rejoice!!
My 3rd grade son led 4 of his classmates in the sinners prayer today at school! I could learn a thing or two from my lovely little one!
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6:04 PM
So I found out that my youngest needs glasses. So I took her over to get her eyes checked. She really wanted glasses so of course she tried really hard to need them. The doc said she needed glasses for reading. So I say okay and wait 10 days for the glasses to come in. I get there and they say she needs to wear them all the time. WHAT?! So after talking to them she got to see a different doc only to find out that the original prescription was wrong and she has astygmatism and will need to wear these glasses all the time. So here I am frustrated as can be that something as important as her eyes were misdiagnosed. This prescription is correct we had it double checked.
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5:55 PM