I was sitting here earlier and a thought caught my mind and hasn't let go. Eve and the forbidden fruit. In Genesis 3:6 it states:
"When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it."

Apples are easy to eat. You just wipe them off and they are ready to go. So if Eve ate something similar to an apple the choice to eat the fruit took minimal effort on her part. She just took a bite. Some sin today is like that. Easy to swallow and taking minimal effort.

Pineapples are not as easy to eat. You have to take your time and energy to get to the fruit of the thing. You have to actually think about it and concentrate on it.
So what if the forbidden fruit was something like a pineapple. Let's say it was. She would have to be constantly thinking about the fact she was preparing this forbidden fruit and that she was going against God's wishes. For Adam it is still easy to eat because she just hands the fruit to him. She was willingly and knowingly going against God and it wasn't bothering her (nothing in this verse suggests that she showed any emotion when partaking of the fruit).
So some of our sins are like the apple. Easy to swallow and take minimal effort and easily accessible. Some on the other hand take effort. We know it is wrong but we knowingly partake in it even if it isn't easy. Why? Why is it easier to think Eve ate an apple than a pineapple? With the apple there was little time to back out but with a pineapple there is plenty of time to back out and change your mind. Isn't it a little possible to think that maybe the forbidden fruit wasn't an apple type fruit (easily eaten) but maybe a pineapple type (more difficult to get to the actual fruit)? Some may not get what I am saying here but to me it makes sense. Please let me hear your comments on this.