I may be planting 3 flowering crab trees in my yard. I'd post a picture of one but there are so many that I can't decide on which photo to link to. A friend of ours has 3 that are 10-12 years old that we intend on planting soon. I am so excited! My aunt is worried that my neighbors (I have one kiddie corner in the back and another on one side) might not like my trees due to the shedding of the flowers and the fruit. We were told by our friend that these don't bear fruit. I don't know if that is possible but that is what he says. Well I did a quick search just now and apparantly there are some that don't bear fruit. They are called Spring Snow. I shall check this out further. They sure are pretty. Once we get them in I will take a few pics to share. But I just thought I'd share this good news.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Busy as a Bee!
Now that we have been in the house for a month things are slowing down a bit but I am still busy as a bee. Between helping my mother in law get everything in order to move into an apt. nearby (and a nice one at that), keeping up with my house (as far as getting it put together just the way we want it), cleaning my house, keeping the kids somewhat entertained, working and just doing the regular things you could say I am one busy little bee. It's all good though. I'm not complaining. The Lord has truly blessed us and I am so grateful.
I came to the realization that fall is coming upon us soon. YAY!! It is my favorite season. What brought this realization on? The fact that places are starting to put out some fall type stuff. Now if we could just get through summer.
So I suppose this is all for now. I am hoping to get back to this more often. Maybe with real content! lol
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11:17 AM