Well the cold has officially been kicked. Finally! But at the same time I had started a new medication for the P.C.O.S. named Metformin. This stuff made me really nausous. Thankfully today I feel much better and the nausea seems to be gone. I am so glad that this seems to be helping me feel better.
School is still going good. Currently I am on spring break. Oh boy! For me this means I have a week to catch up on some studying and some research work. I remember spring break as a kid meant time to not worry about school and just have fun and sometimes a vacation if your parents so felt the urge. Well apparantly when you get older and go to school all that fun just goes out the window. Oh well. It is nice not having to go to class for a week.
Mountain Mama thank you for all your kind words. You have no idea what they truly mean. You are such a wonderfully sweet woman.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Doing Better
Posted by
8:55 AM
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Yes I am still here.
So much time has gone by since I last posted. OOPS!
Well so far school is going pretty well. I am getting an A in my math class, a who knows what in my medical terminology class, and a guess what your grade is in my written communication class. The last two are kind of hard to figure since the instructors have given assignments and haven't really given a grade on some of it. So I plug along and do my best. I have learned my lesson though. I can only take 2 classes at a time. Three just seems to put too much stress on me.
Home life is okay. Somebody gave me a nasty cold and it is kicking my behind. I don't like to take cold medicine because it makes me drowsy and I am tired enough as it is.
Recently I was diagnosed with P.C.O.S. on top of already having Hashimoto's. I have been on a roller coaster ride trying to get all of my medications adjusted so that I can feel better. I have a good endocrinologist who is helping me with this. I was told to go eat a low carb diet. Well diet isn't the term I suppose I want to use. It is a way of eating for life. He suggested that I do South Beach phase 2. So there goes all of my yummy cookies, cakes, pastas, and a lot of other things that I have grown to enjoy eating. But for my health I will do it. One of the symptoms of these is being tired. Hence why I don't like to take cold medicine. How nice it will be when one day I can make it through the day without wanting to take a nap every 10 minutes. But I know God is in control so I don't worry. I just plug along.
Ahhh....plugging along. Anybody want a nasty cold? I am giving it away for free. Just kidding. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
I cut back on work. I now only work on Saturdays. I couldn't hack 2 days of work, 2 days of actual classes, plus housework, homework, and taking care of my lovely family. It was just too much. Thankfully I have a wonderful boss and she completely understands.
Is it spring yet? Seriously I cannot wait for this winter to be over. I am so very sick and tired of it. I haven't bothered to clean my car in several months because I know the minute I do it will look the same way in a day or so. I don't know if I have said this before but winter is my least favorite season. I don't like the cold. So please spring, come quick!!!
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4:24 PM