So I am doing my best at being patient while I wait for the results of the psych exam I submitted last week. She said she would grade and return the test immediately because of what happened last semester. So far nothing. I sent it to her via email on last Monday. I have every confidence I made an A but I would really like the confirmation of that fact.
Okay so I admit I haven't stepped foot into the church since last year. When this was mentioned to a friend recently another "friend" (more like acquaintance) decided it was the perfect time to interject her opinion. Now I grew up in church so I do know the importance of going but I also know that you don't need a building to praise and worship the Lord. The sermons at the church have been seemingly scripted so to speak. I like to hear sermons that God lays on the pastors heart and not so much the "series" of this and that constantly. So instead of going to church we have been watching (as a family) Joel Osteen on Sunday mornings. If our church had Sunday evening services that would make a whole lot of difference too. Anyway this "friend" decided to preach at me about the importance of going to church. Now this person is very opinionated and outspoken. This person also has the tendency to be a little self absorbed. So I just let her say what she felt she needed to and then finished my conversation with my friend.
There are plenty of reasons people avoid Christ and going to church. From what I have seen and experienced, a lot has to do with the people who call themselves Christians. Now there are people like myself who are Christians but don't push it down everyone's throat. To me that is a bit too much. I lead by example. As my parents always said "Your walk walks and your talk talks but your walk talks louder than your talk talks". It's like feeding a baby. Have you ever noticed if you try to force feed a baby they reject the food? But if you watch and wait you can feed the baby when they signal they are ready. The same goes with us. Cramming God down someones throat will only backfire and they will reject it but if you lead by example and are patient, the time will be known to you when they are ready to eat. Okay that is my rant for today.
Today I would like to tell everyone that I am thankful for another beautiful day to be with my family.
Monday, April 20, 2009
New day, new challenges.
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11:41 AM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
So I have been preoccupied with the goings on of life. Here I have all these high hopes that I will keep up with this and several other things and yet somehow time slips by and I don't do it. So I guess today will be a day for rambling on and on and a few updates too if you're lucky.
Allergy season is a pain in the head. Literally! It is a no win situation with me. One medicine gives me headaches, another makes me loopy and tired, and others just don't work. So I have chosen to not use any medications. I took some stuff a few weeks ago and didn't know it was going to make me sleepy on a day I had 2, yes 2, important exams! BIG MISTAKE!!! I slept my way through most of them and was miserable. I managed to pull a B on both but I will NEVER do that again. I will suffer before I go through loopy, sleepy me again. Thus I am now a sniffling, sneezing, watery-eyed thing trying to pass myself off as being okay and not miserable. *sigh* Like I said, no win here.
Well the Psychology test that I supposedly failed last semester wasn't really my fault. Turns out (just as I suspected) that the instructor gave me the wrong test. She was kind enough to let me retake the exam this past weekend. This one made a whole lot more sense and was a world easier. Now I am just on pins and needles to find out what my grade is. Sometime I am not very patient and this is one of them.
I am doing okay in my current Developmental Psychology class. The first test was hard but the second one I Aced! Now there is a 3rd one next week that I will be spending my weekend studying for. The kids get a kick out of mommy studying just like they do. Teach by example I say. They have seen me do well and they have seen me flop. I think it is good for them to see that I am just as hard on myself as I am on them. I love my kiddos!
I am also currently taking an Anatomy and Physiology course. Oh boy! This one wouldn't be so bad but I find the instructor kinda jumps around a lot. Nice guy but I am having a difficult time really learning. I am pulling a B but I know I have worked my tail off for it.
In the fall I will be taking Sociology and Advanced A & P. I am praying now for those to go well. I work my tail off to get the best grades I can and it can't hurt to start praying now for favor.
One thing that bothers me is some of the people I have met in my classes and their study skills. My philosophy is that you will get out of a course what you put into it. If you don't show up for class you shouldn't expect to get good grades. If you wait until the night before, you shouldn't expect to do well on the test. I just don't get it. The young ones I can understand them with their young mistakes but some of these women are just that, women. They are in their late 20's or 30's and really should know better. Then they go on to complain about the grades they are getting. I do my best to set a good example and try to help them out with study skills and pointers but I can only do so much. I have waited so long to go back to school and don't want to screw it up. Yes it is hard but it can be done. Enough before I go on and on.
Otherwise life is pretty good. God is providing. OOOH...I forgot to mention Daisy. Daisy is a duck that has decided to make her home/nest under our globe arbor vitae out front. I don't see her but I know she is there. So I decided to name her and for now she can be rent free. Hehe! Can't wait to see little Daisyettes and Donalds running around soon.
I noticed a new thing where people can follow a blog. Now that is cool! I have a follower! I don't know her yet but plan on reading her blog to get to know her. Wanna be my follower Flannie? ROFL!
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6:06 PM