Flannel Avenger has the next in the Bible study up. Also check out Alyfireman. Who is Jesus? We tend to think of Jesus as loving. Yes Jesus was loving but He is God.God isn't always nice. Remember the flood? God is a just God but that doesn't mean politically correct. One of the wonderful things about Him is He is unchanging. He doesn't care about being all "p.c.". You always know what He expects of you. He wrote it in a book (the Bible) so that there would be no doubt. If He says no, He means no. No reasoning, bargaining, pleading, or trying to sway Him one way or another. Who is Jesus? He is. The important thing is He is unchanging, all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere. Forgive me but my mind is drawn to Jesus in his last days. He wept, He hurt, He felt. I think of how His feet must have hurt from walking all the time. How betrayed he probably felt. God as Jesus suffered. Not just physically but I think also emotionally. So if you ask who was Jesus as a human all I can offer you is He felt as a human but had the mind of God.
My question is what do you think about Him being all powerful, all knowing and everywhere?
Saturday, October 29, 2005
My 2 cents
Posted by
9:12 PM
Saturday, October 22, 2005
What A Week!!!
Boy has this week gone by really fast! I went to Bible Study on Tuesday (which I am really enjoying by the way) and heard about a job at an outlet store nearby. So I figured I would stop in and put in an application on Wednesday. Well Wednesday morning is when it all went up in the air. I went in (before hubby and I went out for an anniversary lunch) to apply for the job. They hired me on the spot starting the next day (Thursday). So I started on Thursday and worked yesterday too and again tomorrow. I hadn't planned on being thrust back into the workforce so quickly. I thought I would have a week to get home stuff situated. NOPE! So that is how everything got thrown up into the air. Ahhh....to sit and relax. Needless to say I am juggling my new job, home duties, and another job of cleaning my apt. building. Then, as if it couldn't get more hectic, the apt. people called me and asked me if I could also clean the clubhouse. Well they apply a certain amount of $ to my rent so I would be stupid to say no. So I said yes. I start that on Monday. Now it is gonna take a few weeks to get everything under control and situated. So if you don't see me around here much in the next few days that is why. I hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying the beauty of Autumn.
Posted by
3:43 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
Not much to say.
Well I know it has been a while. I don't really have much to say. I am enjoying seeing the seasonal color changes though. Hopefully soon I will have more to say. Maybe even something worthwhile. lol
Posted by
10:58 AM
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Early morning thoughts
I am not usually up this early so I figured it would be a good time to come here and babble a little.
My son did excellent with his oral surgery. Not only was it pain free for the little guy but it was also cheaper than expected for me. He is such a brave little one. We have definitely had the favor of the Lord on this issue. There was only one problem after the surgery. He couldn't keep anything down until mid to late morning the next day. Now he eats more than ever! It is cute to see him do his tongue exercises. He has to stick it out as far as he can and up as far as he can. So we walk around the house sticking our tongues out at him to remind him to stick his out and up.
All of the fish are doing well. I found out something last night. That freezing a fish is not the most humane way to put them down. Now I am feeling a little guilty and heartbroken. My husband was doing a search on the proper water temp for our fish and came across some breeders that say how to put your fish to sleep if need be. Their suggestions?
1. Decapitate them. (Nope..Not me...Couldn't do it!)
2.Inject them with a certain solution into the belly. (Now where am I gonna get the needle or the solution?)
3.Put them in a glass with water and vodka. It makes them go to sleep in a more humane manner. (Hmmm....seems doable.)
Then they went on to say if you cannot do any of these to take the fish to the local university and they can study the disease of the fish or whatever. That is the last thing I would want to do. I am trying to put the poor fish out of its misery and they want to keep him alive and study him and take him apart and such. So now I know what to do if I ever need to put a fish to sleep again.
On a more personal note the Lord has really been dealing with me and my self image issues and some other issues I didn't even know I had. And also for the past two weeks in a row someone from my past has been brought into my present. Two weeks ago I was putting my groceries away and reflecting on the mornings women's bible study and the Lord told me to call my biological mother. Well after a few minutes of trying to get out of it I finally obeyed. I called her later that evening and was pleasantly surprised. She had changed some from the women I used to know. Which is a good thing. Next came a few days ago. My half sister from my dads last marriage contacted me through Classmates. Now the way she described herself makes my husband not want anything to do with her. She has some tattoos and a few piercings. But I feel like she was brought back into my life for a reason. For all I know I may be the only Christian she may know. I have to show her the love of Jesus. He didn't turn people away. He welcomes them in. Now I may not be able to welcome her into my home but I will certainly love her. It's not her fault we were not able to grow up together.
Posted by
6:34 AM