Saturday, October 22, 2005

What A Week!!!

Boy has this week gone by really fast! I went to Bible Study on Tuesday (which I am really enjoying by the way) and heard about a job at an outlet store nearby. So I figured I would stop in and put in an application on Wednesday. Well Wednesday morning is when it all went up in the air. I went in (before hubby and I went out for an anniversary lunch) to apply for the job. They hired me on the spot starting the next day (Thursday). So I started on Thursday and worked yesterday too and again tomorrow. I hadn't planned on being thrust back into the workforce so quickly. I thought I would have a week to get home stuff situated. NOPE! So that is how everything got thrown up into the air. sit and relax. Needless to say I am juggling my new job, home duties, and another job of cleaning my apt. building. Then, as if it couldn't get more hectic, the apt. people called me and asked me if I could also clean the clubhouse. Well they apply a certain amount of $ to my rent so I would be stupid to say no. So I said yes. I start that on Monday. Now it is gonna take a few weeks to get everything under control and situated. So if you don't see me around here much in the next few days that is why. I hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying the beauty of Autumn.

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