Monday, April 02, 2007

Anyone got a wig?

Does anyone know where I can find an excellent quality wig? I am going to need one soon if we don't find a house! This home search is causing me to go out of my mind. I know it is in God's hands but I am getting a little impatient. I called and scheduled the mover so that we at least have the mover for the day we are supposed to move out. Where are we going? I dunno. Most days I have a peace about the situation knowing that God will provide us the right house in the right location for the right price. Then there are times like right now. I am so frustrated and irritated that we don't know were we are going to be 2 months from now. I am always organized and prepared but this time it is completely out of my hands and my control. That is fine most days. I know...let go and let God. Sometimes that is so much easier said than done.

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