Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I am thinking of getting my husband a 3 night getaway for himself for an anniversary gift. I am really nervous about this because I have never done anything like this before. The getaway would be to a place that we have been to before many times and it would give him time to get away to go do some hunting. I just don't know if this is something I should realy do or just a bad idea. If anyone has any input now is the time please. I am getting the pricing together and so far I am saving $100 from normal rates. Which is a lot! I can work the extra hours while the kids are in school and can pay for it myself so that is not an issue. I guess I am just mostly nervous. I am terrible at keeping these kinds of secrets and my hubby is rather picky about stuff so ....I guess you can see why I am nervous. I have been wanting to do something like this for him for a while but never had the guts or the money to do it. This year I have the ability to make the necessary money to pay for his trip and all. *sigh* Am I wrong to be nervous? Would any of you men please speak up?

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