Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Enough already!!!

Geesh! I am getting so sick and tired of all these E.D. commercials! I have 3 kids and no matter what we watch the television is bombarded with them. We are watching a wholesome game of football on Monday night and here it comes.....the inevitable E.D. commercial. Try explaining this to your 7 year old daughter what erectile dysfunction is. Come on already!!!!! Enough with this! Who cares if you are having problems?! You have obviously seen enough commercials by now to know to talk to your doctor so why do the drug companies insist on bombarding us with these commercials? Excuse my rant. It just makes me soooooo very mad. I can't go and watch something family without one of these commercials on. Even the news shows. Come on already. I am not being biased either. I am not fond of all the female monthly product commercials either. I understand the reason behind advertising but there are some things that shouldn't be advertised.

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